Take part in Nummela Day!

What is Nummela Day?

Nummela Day is a fun event for the whole family held at the center of Nummela on Saturday, 27 May 2023. The event is organized in cooperation by Nummelan Kilta, Vihdin Nuorkauppakamari, Vihdin Yrittäjät, Nummelan Kivijalkakaupat, K-Citymarket Nummela, and the municipality of Vihti.

The programme of the day begins at 10:00 in Nummela’s “downtown”, where events are held at the K-Citymarket, Tuusa parking area (Tuusantie 3), and the yard of Hampton (Meritie 10). From 14:00, the programme continues on the Veikko Helle market square and the summer street area, which takes over Pilkkukuja and Pisteenpolku for two weeks.

You can read more about the program on the website of Nummela Day.

How can I take part?

All local businesses, organization, and associations are invited to join Nummela Day.

Below, you can find a text template to which you can add your event, and make a copy of the document for your own use. The same template is also available as an image file that you can request separately from Elisa Sievänen (contact information below).  You can also download images to use in your social media posts. Please remember to tag Nummela Day in your posts!

In addition to your own channels, you can also add your events to the event calendar of Vihti at tapahtumat.vihti.fi. You can use the provided Nummela Day image as the event photo.

The full programme for the day can be found on the Nummela Day website and the event’s social media channels.

More Information

If you have any questions about Nummela Day or taking part, please contact us:
Business Development Manager Mika Partanen +358(0)44 752 2364, mika.partanen@vihti.fi

With questions regarding marketing materials, please contact Marketing Assistant Elisa Sievänen +358(0)44 767 4041 elisa.sievanen@vihti.fi

Below, you can find Nummela Day marketing materials intended for general use. Click the images to expand them and save the files to your device. You can download the Word file by clicking the link.

Background image for the programme as a Word file

Photo for use in Facebook posts

Keltaisella pohjalla teksti

Photo for use in Instagram posts

Keltaisella pohjalla teksti