Bootcam park behind the field, with the park in the background.
Lawn and trees in the park area, with the bootcamp park visible on the right.

Pajuniitty BootCamp

BootCamp in the Pajuniitty district on Nummela is a fun obstacle course for the whole family.

The course is located next to the Pajuniitty park, and it offers a balance beam, fences, parallel bars, and an overhead ladder. The obstacle course offers versatile and fun activities for all ages and skill levels, allowing the whole family to join in.

The course is among the first of its kind in Finland, and the decision to build it was taken by the local residents in 2018 as part of the Participatory Budgeting project of the municipality of Vihti in cooperation with Kompan Suomi Oy.

The obstacle course can be accessed from the parking area of the Certos arena (Naaranpajuntie 17) via the pedestrian path that starts from the opposite side of Naaranpajuntie. The approximate distance is 200 meters. Both the obstacle course area and the route there are accessible. Visitors to the obstacle course can also use the parking area mentioned above.

The obstacle course is within walking distance of the Menestyjien park (250 m), MultiGolfPark (500 m), the Nummelan Niittu wetlands (650 m), and the Linnanniittu workout stairs and lean-to (670 m).

Lawn and trees in the park area, with the bootcamp park visible on the right.

Location of BootCamp on the map

Walking directions from Naarapajuntie 17, 03100 Nummela.

Directions (Google Maps)